US Army Corps of Engineers
Transatlantic Division Public Website Website

Col. Dale accepts deFleury medal

Middle East District
Published May 20, 2016
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Transatlantic Division leaders presented the Bronze order of the deFleury Medal to Col. Stephen F. Dale in an award ceremony April 21.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Transatlantic Division leaders presented the Bronze order of the deFleury Medal to Col. Stephen F. Dale in an award ceremony April 21.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Transatlantic Division leaders presented the Bronze order of the deFleury Medal to Col. Stephen F. Dale in an award ceremony April 21.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Transatlantic Division leaders presented the Bronze order of the deFleury Medal to Col. Stephen F. Dale in an award ceremony April 21.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Transatlantic Division leaders presented the Bronze order of the deFleury Medal to Col. Stephen F. Dale in an award ceremony April 21.

Dale, who served as the division’s deputy commander forward with the Individual Mobilization Augmentee program, received the medal in recognition of his service in Kuwait in 2015.

The deFleury medal is named for Francois Louis Tesseidre deFleury, a French engineer who served with the U.S. Army during the Revolutionary War. In 1779, deFleury bravely led troops in the recapture of a small fort, Stony Point, which lifted the spirits of American troops and showed the British that the American forces were strong. DeFleury was praised by the Continental Congress and an award was created in his name.

There are four levels of the deFleury Medal, according to the Army Engineer Association. The Steel Medal may be presented to an individual whose selfless service to the Engineer Regiment supports the Army to assure mobility, enhance protection, enable expeditionary logistics and build capacity in order to provide commanders with the freedom of action needed to win full spectrum operations in an era of persistent conflict. The Bronze Medal may be presented to an individual who rendered significant service or support to an element of the Engineer Regiment. The Silver Medal may only be awarded to an individual who rendered outstanding and significant support or service to the Engineer Regiment. The United States Army Chief of Engineers awards only one Gold Medal each year to an individual who exemplifies boldness, courage and commitment to a strong national defense.

Scott Lowdermilk, the division’s plans and operations officer, described Dale as a great individual who gained a reputation as a strong leader with the drive to get things done.

“Those of you who know Steve know that this recognition is long overdue,” he said. “This is the guy who stood up TAD Afghanistan. I can’t tell you how many missions I threw at Steve and he always ran with it.”

Dale expressed his appreciation to the division and praised his coworkers’ dedication to their mission.

“I’m a blessed man many times over. Thank you isn’t enough,” he said. “The TAD team is always focused forward, they understand where the mission’s at and they always stay focused even on nights, weekends and holidays.”