US Army Corps of Engineers
Transatlantic Division Public Website Website

Commander's Thanksgiving message to the TAD team

Published Nov. 26, 2019
Updated: Nov. 26, 2019


Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude that reminds us to take time to acknowledge all the blessings we enjoy as Americans. Too often we get caught up in the everyday pace of our lives and forget how fortunate we are for all we have. Over the next several days, hopefully as you spend time with family and friends, I urge you to take the time to reflect on the gifts of community, liberty, and opportunity that we have been given.

Please also pause to remember our teammates deployed overseas, selflessly serving in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar this holiday season. Your in-country experiences many times provide an up-close contrast to all we have to be thankful for in the United States – something most Americans will never see or completely understand. While most Americans are unaware of the impact your work has on the lives of individuals, families, and entire communities overseas, I am thankful that for the past several months I have had the opportunity to observe first-hand the dedication, expertise, and self-sacrifice displayed across this organization. I continue to be inspired by your efforts, commitment, and skill.

Command Sergeant Major Delapena and I appreciate all you do, and we are privileged to serve alongside you. If possible, enjoy time off and stay safe, especially when traveling long distances to be with friends and loved ones. For those forward deployed, hopefully you can speak with friends and family, as well as spend time with quality teammates you work with.  We want you all to return to work next week energized and ready to continue this team's great work. 



COL Chris Beck