A partnership with U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Afghanistan (USACE), Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A), and Assist Consultants Incorporated (ACI) have allowed yet another construction project to be turned over in the District’s number one priority of Delivering the Program.
On April 14, 2019 Afghanistan District was able to turn over a completed facility to the Afghanistan National Army Special Operations Command (ANASOC).
Three weeks ahead of the Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD), the Kabul Project Delivery Platform turned over the National Mission Brigade (NMB) Barracks and Latrine Shower and Shave (LSS), Camp Scorpion project to ANASOC.
The contractor, Assist Consultants Incorporated (ACI), was awarded the project in July 2017 and finished it ahead of schedule for a total cost of $1.76M.
The scope of the project included the construction of three new Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) latrines with showers and laundry, the construction of one new guard tower, the demolition and removal of existing HESCO perimeter walls and then the construction of new HESCO perimeter walls. Construction also consisted of the installation of new acoustic ceiling panels in multiple buildings, and the expansion of an existing motor pool area for the NMB.
The Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A) Project Manager, was present for the turnover and participated in the official turnover ceremony with the Afghan National Army (ANA) Commander, and Garrison Support Unit (GSU) Commander.
Following a tour of the completed facilities, and the official ribbon cutting ceremony, all participants enjoyed a traditional Afghan lunch of beef kabob, naan, and deserts.
The Afghan National Army Commander expressed his gratitude for the partnership between USACE, CSTC-A, ACI, and the ANA. He especially recognized and paid tribute to the people of the United States and expressed gratitude for their financial contribution that made this project possible.
The District’s mission in Afghanistan continues to grow with 90 projects worth $1.04B, 45 in construction and 45 being prepared for award (19 in FY19 totaling more than $478M. The remaining workload within the district is now up to 132 projects valued at $5.6B with 48 under construction and 30 ready to begin, another 49 soon to be awarded, plus an additional 94 potential projects valued at $3.2B.
With international stakeholders continuing to look to USACE for construction and engineering support, the program in Afghanistan should remain healthy over the next 24 months allowing this team of USACE volunteers and Afghan Local Nationals to continue to build capacity within the population of Afghanistan in order to shape the future of Afghanistan.