USACE Priorities and Direction

The commander's intent is for USACE continues to increase its public value: a National asset that provides leadership

and technical expertise in formulating and implementing water resources, environmental stewardship, and broader sustainable infrastructure policies and solutions; a Department of Defense asset that is the principal advisor for engineering, the design and construction execution agent for the Army and Air Force, and a provider of infrastructure related services throughout the facilities life cycle; and a Professional asset that maintains strong in-house engineering, project management, and other technical capabilities required to execute federal responsibilities and satisfy stakeholder requirements, while providing national technical and warfighting leadership in our mission areas.

Download the USACE Priorities & Direction brochure

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Division serves as USACE’s tip of the spear in one of the most dynamic construction environments in the world, STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIPS, BUILDING CAPACITY, and ENHANCING SECURITY for our nation, allies, and partners. 

We SAFELY deliver agile, responsive, and innovative, design, construction, engineering and contingency solutions in support of U.S. Central Command, U.S. Special Operations Command and other global partners to advance national security interests.