US Army Corps of Engineers
Transatlantic Division Public Website Website

'We Answered the Call – Honoring the Past, Securing the Future'

Celebrating Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Published May 1, 2020
May 1 begins the month-long celebration of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, a time to recognize the challenges faced by Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians and their vital contributions to the American story. It’s also a time to recognize the diverse ethnicities, languages, and cultures that collectively compose Asian and Pacific Islander communities across our nation.

This year’s celebratory theme is “We Answered the Call – Honoring the Past, Securing the Future.” The theme continues DoD’s year-long campaign to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of WWII.

May 1 begins the month-long celebration of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, a time to recognize the challenges faced by Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians and their vital contributions to the American story. It’s also a time to recognize the diverse ethnicities, languages, and cultures that collectively compose Asian and Pacific Islander communities across our nation. This year’s celebratory theme is “We Answered the Call – Honoring the Past, Securing the Future.” The theme continues DoD’s year-long campaign to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of WWII.

May 1 begins the month-long celebration of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, a time to recognize the challenges faced by Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians and their vital contributions to the American story. It’s also a time to recognize the diverse ethnicities, languages, and cultures that collectively compose Asian and Pacific Islander communities across our nation.

This year’s celebratory theme is “We Answered the Call – Honoring the Past, Securing the Future.” The theme continues DoD’s year-long campaign to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of WWII and it also highlights the bravery, determination and dedication of Asian Americans and Pacific Americans who played a significant role in helping lead the U.S. and her Allies to victory. As we recognize their many accomplishments, it is equally important to remember the sacrifices they made.

Our workforce is made up of a range of philosophies, ideas and beliefs, but they meld together to form our wonderful, responsive and resourceful team. We are at our very best when we bring together the imaginations and creativity of all parts of our society. As we celebrate Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, let’s also celebrate our collective history as we stand together as “Americans.”

On behalf of CSM Delapena and myself, thanks for everything you all continue to do each day.