We deliver our program through two districts, the Middle East District, headquartered in Virginia, and the Transatlantic Expeditionary District, which combined the Division’s contingency operations assets as one optimized command, headquartered in Kuwait.
From our Winchester, Virginia, headquarters, we support U.S. Central Command within the USCENTCOM area of responsibility and Special Operations Command globally. We are the Army Corps of Engineers’ ninth major subordinate command and were originally established in 1991 to support the increased reconstruction activities following the 1990-1991 Gulf War. Our area of responsibility is now the third largest battle space and a top priority for the United States.
The Middle East District is the Transatlantic Division’s longest enduring element, providing design, construction execution, and related services and support to U.S. and foreign mission partners in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility to increase regional security and stability in support of enduring U.S. interests; on order, supports contingency operations.
The Middle East District also provides logistics services to U.S. forces deployed in the Balkans region; a mission performed on behalf of U.S. Army Europe since 1995. In addition, the Middle East District supports a wide range of U.S. and foreign customers, including the U.S. Air Force Materiel Command and the Egyptian defense forces for foreign military sales projects in that nation; and it supports other foreign military sales customers, such as Jordan and Kuwait.
The Transatlantic Expeditionary District is the Transatlantic Division’s newest element, and the Army Corps of Engineers’ only forward deployed District, structured specifically to provide speed of relevance project management, planning, engineering, design, environmental support, construction management, and real estate services within the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility; delivering cost effective, sustainable engineering solutions and services supporting contingency operations and peacetime efforts to strengthen the security and stability of our nation and our allied mission partners for years to come.
The Expeditionary District provides theater-wide engineering solutions and expertise in support of US, Coalition, and Host Nation efforts to enable the building of partner capacity within the CENTCOM AOR and support overall CENTCOM mission objectives.
They are uniquely enabled and equipped to provide cost effective, sustainable engineering solutions and services safely at the speed of relevance supporting contingency operations and prompting the security and stability of our allied mission partners.